Heart of man, and Eph. 4:18

Question: In Ephesians 4:11-20, what does it mean when it says “being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in their system”?


First; a comparison of the different Translations is needed.

The quote that is used above, has very different words, and I have not been able to locate your info. source.  It leads to confusion re. meanings!

Starting with the word “system” which implies subject to certain fixed rules.

The KJV: “the ignorance which is in them because of the blindness of their heart”.

The NASB, J.N. Darby and NIV, shows: “hardness of their heart”.

The NKJV shows: “blindness of their heart”.

The Amplified shows: “hardness and insensitivity of their heart”.

The Interlinear (Hendrickson): Strongs 4457 Grk.(Porosis); from 4456 “to harden” Grk.(Poroo)!4 18

What stands out in all the above, is that “the heart” is deliberately hardened; which in itself stops understanding and entry, which automatically stops the individual heart from entering the “knowledge of Christ Jesus” which stops entry into “The Body and Blood of Christ Jesus”!

An analogy from Metallurgy, is that when a steel is of “low carbon”, it can be “case hardened” by the deliberate application of a mode of Carbon on the exterior, under very high temperature, which gives a hardness to a limited depth; which then renders the metal applicable to many applications, which without the “Case hardening” would be impossible!

So this would show that for the person reading “The Word" of God; if they allow the Word into themselves and It takes effect, they become of sure service to Almighty God, and the Body of Christ Jesus!


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